Monday 6 June 2011

random thoughts of the world

I love life, I really do. I love the little parts of it that make me smile. If you really think about it we're extremely lucky to be here, as a human. You could have turned out as a turned-down rat. Random, right? But true, so very true.
Before the end of the year, I hope to accomplish:

comments on my blog
a competition on my blog
get fantastic marks at school
improve my photography (very vague, i know)
get a haircut
play the flute (unlikely, as i already play the clarinet + piano)
write an email with out proper punctuation and grammar and spelling (i'm really pedantic)
host a harry potter sleepover with my friends where we watch everyone
read some new books
learn how to surf
finish a chapter-lengthed story
don't abandon this list!

And that's about it!
I really hope to actually accomplish these things, not just abandon them. I have had previous experiences like that :)
I'd also like to show my full-self and prove my full potential, if you know what I mean. Become more independent and self-confident. That is how I would like to be viewed, not a made-up character. Someone worth being alive. Hopefully that speech was somewhat motivational! XD

Anyway, thanks for reading this by the way! I hope you enjoy my blog!

<3 Amalia xx

Friday 3 June 2011

summer days

Hi guys, I'm Amalia. I am a girl and simply decided to have a blog, to spill my thoughts out. Hopefully it will be interesting.
I love reading, all kinds of books. I used to want to be a writer, but I outgrew that dream.
I love cooking and baking and eating. Even though I am no where near a good cook.
I have two sisters that I love but who sometimes get on my nerve! One of them is a twin, Meg and Ellie is my older one.
Summer is my favourite month. I live in Australia and the majority of blogs I read are from the States, where they are proudly announcing their summer holidays..... jealousy. I love to drink lemonade, stay up late, sleep in and chill with friends in the holidays. My dream day. But summer is not till the end of the year, and I'm left to play with darned winter.
I love photography and want to improve it, and become a pro photographer. If I could only understand the meaning of patience...
Travelling, the joy of it. Hawaii and France and Italy are on my lists.

My friends make my day, as well as my family. I am extremely grateful to them. I love my friends, and are sacred to me!
Hopefully you guys have got an idea of me. I'm also quite eccentric, so watch out. Until then, farewell!

Amalia xx